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Glasses Frame Types

Glasses Frame Types

When shopping for the perfect pair of glasses, one of the first things to consider is frame type. Glasses typically fall into three primary categories: full frame, semi-rimless, and rimless. Each frame type boasts distinct characteristics, offering a varied appearance and sensation.

Full Frame

Full Frame

When a frame fully outlines the lenses, the glasses are considered full frame. Full frames are a good option if you are looking to highlight your eyes. These frames are the most sturdy and are the best option to accommodate higher prescriptions that require thicker lenses.

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Semi-rimless frame

Semi-rimless Frame

Semi-rimless frames outline the top portion of the lens and help accentuate the upper half of your face. These frames offer a sophisticated appearance with a lightweight feel and superior comfort. With the lenses being half exposed, they are more susceptible to chips and cracks.

Shop Semi-Rimless Glasses

Rimless Frame

Rimless Frame

Exactly as it sounds, rimless glasses come without rims. These frames are composed of just the temples and nose bridge. A little more delicate than other frame types, rimless frames provide the largest field of vision and are also the most lightweight option.

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